Just discovered on Amibay is this little jem Called the Joy-Fi, it’s a wireless Joystick adapter for Atari/C64/Amiga.
For a while now it has been near impossible to get a UAV, the best svideo update for the Atari 8bit range. Bryan the guy who designed it has been dealing with real life and fun things like video upgrades have taken a back seat.
Well the good news is that MacRorie at the Brewing Academy has made a deal with Bryan and taken over production of the boards. There will now (well… after Chinese new year) be a place to get these awesome boards.
Head on over to the Brewing Academy website for more info.
My VBXE is installed and works great. I got loads of help from MacRorie from the Brewing Academy and Sleepy on AtariAge. The only thing I was missing was a wiring diagram so I made one.