Ultimate Atari Video (UAV) available again.

For a while now it has been near impossible to get a UAV, the best svideo update for the Atari 8bit range. Bryan the guy who designed it has been dealing with real life and fun things like video upgrades have taken a back seat.

Well the good news is that MacRorie at the Brewing Academy has made a deal with Bryan and taken over production of the boards. There will now (well… after Chinese new year) be a place to get these awesome boards.

Head on over to the Brewing Academy website for more info.

LiteDOS2.0 Released

Mr. Atari has written a new DOS for Atari users, it’s small, only 2K so you have more free memory, boots in only a couple of seconds, compatible with DOS2, 2.5, MyDOS, supports wildcards, has a ESP8266/Rverter R:Driver: for WiFi connection to BBSes etc., an 850 compatible R: driver, a formatter for LitDOS disks and all the most used DOS commands.

Not bad for 2K!

LiteDOS is still in active development, version 2.01 was just released, so go check it out on Mr Ataris website

BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2019

The annual BASIC 10 Liner competition is something of a tradition with 8bit enthusiasts, it’s been running for 8 years now and has had over 300 entries submitted for the various 8bit systems.

Gunnar Kanold, the organiser, used to monitor all the different forums for the 8bit systems and coordinate the competition from these many locations. That has become too much of a task, so this year, while you are encouraged to discuss your 10-liner entries in your forum of choice, the only way to submit an entry is to email Gunnar Directly at the email below.