Bill Lange over at the Atari 8-Bit Computers Facebook Group posted a fun little listing for halloween.
1 REM JACK-O-LANTERN 10 PRINT CHR$(125) 20 GRAPHICS 3+16 30 COLOR 1 40 FOR R=1 TO 24 50 READ X,Y,X1,Y1 60 PLOT X,Y 70 DRAWTO X1,Y1 80 NEXT R 90 COLOR 2 100 FOR R=1 TO 14 110 READ X,Y 120 PLOT X,Y 130 NEXT R 140 FOR R=1 TO 13 150 READ X,Y,X1,Y1 160 PLOT X,Y 170 DRAWTO X1,Y1 180 NEXT R 190 GOTO 190 200 DATA 11,1,16,1,23,1,28,1,9,2,30,2,7,3,32,3,5,4,34,4,4,5,35,5,3,6,36,6,2,7,37,7,38,8,1,8,1,9,38,9 210 DATA 39,10,0,10,0,11,39,11,39,12,0,12,0,13,39,13,39,14,0,14,1,15,38,15,38,16,1,16,2,17,37,17,36,18,3,18 220 DATA 4,19,35,19,34,20,5,20,7,21,32,21,30,22,9,22,11,23,28,23 230 DATA 19,0,20,0,19,1,20,1,19,2,20,2,13,5,26,5,14,15,25,15,14,16,15,16,24,16,25,16 240 DATA 12,6,14,6,25,6,27,6,11,7,15,7,24,7,28,7,10,8,16,8,23,8,29,8,19,11,20,11,18,12,21,12,17,13,22,13 250 DATA 14,17,25,17,15,18,24,18,16,19,23,19,17,20,22,20
Originally printed in Family Computing magazine Issue 02 back in October 1983, visit the link for versions for other 8-Bit machines!