Thank you for purchasing the ATARI 400 Home Computer and welcome to the computer age!
We know you will agree with us when we say "WE'VE BROUGHT THE COMPUTER AGE HOME" by making the ATARI 400 Computer compact, affordable, and easy to use.
The ATARI 400 Computer System is designed to be used by just about any one In fact, you don't even need to know programming to enjoy your ATARI 400 Computer, because dozens of programmes are already available Your ATARI
Computer dealer has ATARI programme cartridges and cassettes already programmed to play a game, help you learn foreign languages and other subjects, or perform time-saving tasks such as mortgage and loan analysis This booklet tells you how to connect your ATARI 400 Computer to your television Just follow the quick and easy instructions provided in this guide Turn the page to learn more about the exciting programmes you can purchase from your local ATARI Computer dealer