This is the companion volume to the best seller, Machine Language for Beginners, about which the critics have said:
"Understandable" — The New York Times
"Presents the machine language novice with a very good tutorial in simple, understandable terms." — Antic
"I highly recommend Machine Language for Beginners as your first introduction to the world of machine language." — Commodore Power/Play
"This is an excellent book for anyone considering learning machine lan- guage programming. It is well written and easy to follow, and everything is presented in a logical and orderly fashion." — RUN
"Highly recommended ... usable, understandable ... abounds in illustrations, standards and examples." — The Midnight Gazette
"It lives up to its title. I have about six books on this subject, and this is by far the most readable of the group." — Victims Newsletter
"The best book on introducing 6502 code available." — Ian Chadwick, author of Mapping the Atari
The Second Book of Machine Language picks up where Machine Language for Beginners left off. This new book contains one of the most powerful machine language assemblers currently available. The LADS assembler is a full-featured, label-based, programming language which can greatly assist you in writing machine language programs quickly and easily.
You work in an environment with which you're already familiar: BASIC. You can use line numbers, multiple statements on a line, named variables and subroutines, remarks, error messages, and various programmers' aids like automatic line numbering, search and replace, etc.
But the book is more than a sophisticated program. It's also a clear, detailed tutorial on how large, complex machine language programs can be constructed out of manageable subprograms. Using LADS as the example, each instruction is explained, each subroutine is examined. Many sophisticated machine language techniques are illustrated and thoroughly explained — everything from data base management to communication with printers and disk drives.
There are powerful computer languages and there is good docu- mentation, but rarely has a sophisticated language been so completely documented as it is in this book. When you finish with this book, you'll not only have a deeper understanding of machine language — you'll also have one of the most powerful machine language assemblers available.