Rainy Day Activities for the Atari

A toy store in your family living room? Fifty games and activities ranging from music and art to letters, numbers, and nonsense readily available for your young children? That's exactly what you'll have with this exciting new book and your ATARI Home Computer. Nancy Mayer has put together one of the cleverest books on the market today. Aiming at the 3-9 year olds (who are usually neglected in today's computer market), Mayer has developed a charming book for parents to share with their youngsters. No programming is involved! All you do is type in a short program listing (none are longer than 20 lines), and let the fun begin.

A few of the games require no more than the ability to hold and move a joystick; some require reading skills or an adult or older child nearby to help. The skill level for many activities is suggested at the beginning of the game description, and best of all, your kids will be learning as they play. You won't even have to wait for a rainy day to involve the whole family in computer learning and entertainment.

Some of the games in this book are:

Popcorn • Lasso the Stars • Pigtalk • Soundoff • Count the Sides • Graffiti • Snowfall Ending • Musical Keys