Here, in this small volume, in easy-to-understand form, Paul Bunn has brought together all the essential information you’ll need to improve your programming techniques on the Atari computers.
From making the most of the graphics, to using sound and the joysticks or paddle, you’ll find the vital addresses, the important locations, the programming tricks to get your Atari to do just about anything you want it to do.
And if you just want a generous collection of programs, in ready-to-run form, you’ll also find them in this book. From - BEETLE JUICE (you, as a small, red beetle, try to cross a busy street without being squashed) to DODGE ’EM (in which you use a joystick to drive your car around a maze, and avoid the computer’s car), there are programs for every taste and occasion.
If you’ve come to the ‘What do I do now?’ stage with your Atari 400 or 800, then you’re ready for Paul Bunn, and this book.