Inside Atari BASIC

This is a valuable workbook for three distinct groups of people.

First and foremost, for those who have never programmed any type of computer before, this book assumes no prior knowledge of programming or computer operation. It also assumes that you do not wish to spend the next ten years learning how computers work.

Next, there are some of you who have used computers before and may even be BASIC wizards, but are hew to ATARI. Each computer is different and this book allows you to skip over what is familiar and concentrate on the specifics such as screen editing, graphics and color.

Finally, there are significant parts of this book which will prove useful to seasoned programmers who are familiar with ATARI Home Computers but need quick references to color, GTIA, and other graphics modes.

Inside ATARI BASIC takes the mystery and confusion out of learning to operate yonr home computer. You'll find it intentionally avoids flow charts, Unnecssary technical details, and much of the "computerese" used in other books. Plain language and patient learning, with an entertaining writing style makes this book the perfect companion for your ATARI Home Computer!