Easy Programming for the Atari Micros

Shiva 1984

Attention all Atari owners!

Are you an 'apprentice' at programming your micro?
Let Eric Deeson be your guide through the BASIC maze.

From opening the box to writing, saving and running your own programs, this book will tell you all you need to know, including:

  • setting up
  • printing
  • recording
  • planning
  • sound
  • graphics

There are over 60 programs complete and ready to RUN throughout the book, with ideas for do-it-yourself projects at the end of most chapters.

A number of appendices cover BASIC keywords, hints on debugging, the Atari character set, PEEKing the Atari memory map and further sources of information.

The volume is suitable for the 600XL, 800XL, and 1450XLD models.