COMPUTE's Second Book of Atari

Robert Lock, Editor/Publisher, COMPUTE! Magazine

Welcome to COMPUTE!'s Second Book of Atari. This book was a direct result of the overwhelming success of our first book in this series, which is now in its second printing. Unlike our First Book of Atari, the Second Book is comprised entirely of previously unpublished material. Even if you've followed all of the Atari personal computer information in COMPUTE! Magazine since our beginning in the fall of 1979, you'll discover exciting, interesting applications and uses in the pages of this book. And, as always with COMPUTE! Publications, you'll find a range of material, from beginner to advanced, ready to type right into your computer - programs and helpful hints designed to teach and entice you, applications and utilities designed to help you better use this fascinating world of personal computing.

We've organized the material and designed the book for ease of use. We welcome your suggestions and comments on this and future titles from COMPUTE! Books

Special thanks to Charles Brannon, Richard Mansfield, and Kathleen Martinek of our editorial staff; Kate Taylor, De Potter, Terry Cash, and Margret Jackson of our typesetting and production staff; Georgia Papadopoulos, Art Director; and Harry Blair, our illustrator.