Robert Lock, Publisher/Editor-In-Chief, COMPUTE! Publications
This special addition to our First Book Series represents the first time we've published a theme-specific book. COMPUTE!'s First Book of Atari Graphics contains published as well as original, unpublished material that has been carefully chosen to provide any Atari user with helpful, useful information on the extensive capabilities available with Atari graphics.
As with our parent publication, COMPUTE! Magazine, you'll find a range of tutorials, programs, and more, for the beginner to the most advanced, ready to type right into your computer and use.
As with all COMPUTE! Books, we've organized the material and designed the book itself for your ease of use. We welcome your suggestions and comments on this and future titles from COMPUTE! Books.
Special thanks to Tom R. Halfhill, our Features Editor, who bore the organizational brunt of this volume, and to the entire editorial and production staffs who assisted in this, our ninth book from COMPUTE! Books. Cover design: Georgia Papadopoulos. Cover illustration: Harry Blair.