COMPUTE's First Book of Atari

Robert Lock, Editor/Publisher, COMPUTE! Magazine

In the fall of 1979, COMPUTE! Magazine began with the initial vision of providing a resource and applications magazine to owners and users of various personal computers. We made the decision, at that time, to support the new personal computers from Atari, Inc.

Our first "Atari Gazette," a monthly part of COMPUTE!, was a total of three pages long . . . Frequently we struggled, during those early issues, to seek out good editorial support. Now, every issue of COMPUTE! routinely carries 40-50 pages of material for the Atari. And we're still maintaining the same standards of quality. The Atari reader base is growing faster than ever, and we've never doubted our decision to support it.

At the time of this writing, mid-November, 1981, Atari, Inc. is shipping more personal computers each month, than they did in all of 1980!

On the pages which follow, you'll find some of the best of the ATARI Personal Computer material to appear in COMPUTE! Magazine during the year 1980.

We've organized the material and designed the book so that it will be easy to use. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this book, or future books you'd like to see from us, please let us know.

Our special thanks to Charles Brannon and Richard Mansfield of the Editorial staff at COMPUTE!; Kate Taylor, Dai Rees, and De Potter of the Production staff; Georgia Papadopoulos, Art Director; and Harry Blair, our illustrator.