The Book of Atari Software 1984

Arrays 🇺🇸 1984

THE BOOK OF ATARI SOFTWARE 1984 is the one book that is indispensable to all owners or would-be owners of Atari computers. Part of The Book Company's growing family of software review books, it offers a single, concise source which describes, evaluates, and rates hundreds of the most popular Atari programs in today s market. Adding up-to-date information on new programs to last year’s edition, it gives you a way to make sensible choices as to what’s available for your Atari, how good the program is, how it compares to other programs, the cost, and any special features you might want to know about a package before you invest in it.

Reviews have been compiled in the areas of games and entertainment, business, education, utility programs, VCS games, and Atari hardware. This readable, easy-to-follow, Consumer Report-style publication puts you in control of the enormous number of Atari software programs presently available.

The reviewers, each an expert in his or her field, compare and rate programs for such qualities as value for money, customer support after you purchase a program, reliability, and usefulness. Lists of Atari software vendors are also provided for your convenience.

Each year the Atari owner will spend hundreds of dollars purchasing software programs. This book takes the guesswork out of evaluating the packages. No other publication is devoted to providing detailed, impartial consumer reports on software applications for Atari computers.

The one book that should be on every Atari™ computer owner’s shelf.