Atari Games and Recreations offers a very different approach to introducing programming to the novice computer user. The authors encourage you to develop your own ideas for computer games and provide models from which to draw ideas for such games. You'll start with easy games that will serve as building blocks for more complex and creative programs. At the end of each chapter are sophisticated programs that will interest experienced programmers or beginners who want a challenge. You'll learn how to develop your own programming styles and have fun as you do it. And in the process you'll discover and master all the capabilities of your machine.
In addition to games, you'll find a special section on the graphics, sound, and color features of your Atari Home Computer System. You'll learn how to draw graphs, add color and sound to your games, and mix all the modes of the computer to create multimedia games and performances.
Atari Games and Recreations can also serve as a basic learning guide for kids and adults alike, and as a sourcebook for teachers. The book demonstrates how games form a beautiful domain for learning computer programming and that computer literacy need not be limited to the mathematically gifted or scientifically-minded user.
Atari Games and Recreations enables you to play with your computer and take power over it. Ultimately, you are the intelligence of your computer, so explore the games, experiment, and become a computer expert!