Deliver Interactive, Audio-visual, Educational Materials. A variety of Interactive Educational Materials present more than twenty subjects through text, audio, diagrams and pictures. Each program carries on a dialogue with you through the ATARI 400 screen, speaker and keyboard. These programs provide individualized instruction tailored to your pace and achievement level. You receive immediate feedback on your accuracy and understanding. Programs for kindergarten through college level will be available in a wide variety of subjects.
Provide a serious tool for home and business Information Management. Information Management packages aid you in the orderly storage and quick retrieval of numeric, graphic, pictorial and text information. The Financial Management programs help you balance your checkbook and keep track of income and expenses. The Nutritional package helps you plan healthful meals and diets which include all essential nutrients. The Investment Analysis programs aid in capital assets management and tracking stock portfolios. A mailing list program sorts, edits, and prints lists of names and addresses for you (an optional printer is needed).
Create a playfield for fast-paced games. Games provide hours of entertainment. You can purchase a wide variety of Game Cartridges and Controllers. Each game is designed for one to four players. Just insert the cartridge and connect the controllers. The ATARI 400 will transport you to a fantasyland of skill and competition. Some games simulate competitive sports such as Basketball, well-known board games such as Chess, or puzzles. Other cartridges are new inventions created especially for the ATARI 400. Games are adaptable to your own mood and style. Play with your family, with your friends or by yourself.
Perform all the functions of a fully-programmable General Purpose Computer. Your ATARI 400 is actually a fully-programmable General Purpose Computer. As you explore the capabilities of the ATARI 400 you will increase your knowledge of computer science considerably. The Atari BASIC Language Cartridge expands the Operating System software to include a versatile, easy-to-learn, high-level programming language for both student and professional use. The Operating System software provides access to the central processing unit, memory, Input/Output (I/O) ports and file manipulation utilities. Even if you have no experience at all, the ATARI 400 and an inquiring mind are all you need to learn to develop custom applications for your personal computer.