Computer Art and Animation
A User's Guide to Atari LOGO

Addison-Wesley 🇺🇸 1984

Turn Your Computer into an Electronic Easel!

Computer graphics has too long been thought of as the domain of experts — complicated and very expensive. But now, owners of the Atari home computers and the powerful but easy-to-understand programming language Logo can learn to use their computers to create attractive, professional-looking graphics.

Whether you're an artist, a student, or simply someone who is interested in home programming, here is a book to get you started with Atari Logo. COMPUTER ART AND ANIMATION: A USER'S GUIDE TO ATARI LOGO will:

  • Give you an easy-to-understand introduction to Atari Logo that even a first-time computer user can follow
  • Show you how to use Atari's extended turtle graphics with multiple turtles and a set of 128 colors
  • Explain how to draw simple geometric shapes that become the basis of complex drawings and designs, with sample projects for you to try
  • Guide you in the use of joysticks and the KoalaPad tablet for increased creativity in your artwork
  • Get you started on your own static and animated creations

From designing games to building an electronic artist's portfolio, COMPUTER ART AND ANIMATION: A USER'S GUIDE TO ATARI LOGO will help you to turn your Atari into an electronic easel!